Men’s Christmas Gift Ideas
Stuck for ideas on what to buy your man? Ferrari Formalwear & Bridal has you covered!
The once nerdy neck-wear if now one of the most fashionable must have items in a man’s wardrobe! These stylish bow-ties are the perfect Men’s Christmas Gift Ideas.
Pictured from left to right IBH006 – Navy/Red Check / IBH010 – Orange/Navy Check / IBH007 – Orange/Navy Polka dot.
All Issimo bow ties are Polyester and come as a Bow Tie & Hank Box Set. Now available online or at your local Ferrari Formalwear & Bridal store.
ZBRACES | $49.95 ZTH030 | $69.95 ZB005 | $69.95
Zenetti Black Braces Zenetti Silk Long Tie and Hank Set Zenetti Boxed Leather Belt
The latest collection of ISSIMO slim long ties are paired with a pocket hank to compliment the tie and create the perfect everyday look.
Pictured from left to right – ITH010 – Navy/Red Check / ITH013 – Orange Check / ITH016 – Coral/Navy
Now available online or at your local Ferrari Formalwear & Bridal store.
ZTH025 | $69.95 ZCL35 | $59.95 ZTH025 | $69.95
Zenetti Teal Silk Long Tie and Hank Set Zenetti Boxed Cufflinks Zenetti Black Silk Long Tie and Hank Set
Men’s Christmas Gift Ideas available IN STORE or ONLINE NOW!